Birthday Poem

Happy Birthday, Bo!

February 11, 2015

By Terri Bonow

Walter Burnett/Bo Bonow is 91 years old in 2015

He’s still dedicated, able, and mentally keen.

He’s a Patriarch with kind, twinkly eyes

Singing funny songs, with jazzy vibes.

He displays great truths and a steady soul

His intellect is wonderful to behold!

He has had an extensive, wonderful life

Enjoying adventures with Bee his lovely wife.

His family is accomplished and prestigious

Good looking, smart, kind, they are prodigious.

We honor his steady reserve that so endears

Encouraged by a strong mind and the ability to persevere.

He celebrates his 91st Birthday, Hurrah!

Inspiring with strength, great love; we have total awe!

Go Set a Watchman: The Inevitable Disappointment of Literary Sequels?

A Little Blog of Books

Go Set a WatchmanUntil last week, the prospect of Harper Lee publishing a new book fifty-five years after ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ seemed about as likely as Donna Tartt churning out novels at the same pace as Stephen King or E. L. James winning the Man Booker Prize. But this is exactly what was announced by her publishers at HarperCollins last Tuesday.

Few details have been revealed so far other than that the book is about Scout Finch returning to Alabama as an adult twenty years after the events in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’. ‘Go Set A Watchman’ was written before ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ but Lee was persuaded by her publishers to focus on Scout’s childhood instead. The original novel was subsequently lost before it was rediscovered last autumn.

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